You are invited to submit an Extended Abstract of 3-4 pages (in English only) according to the template (see below).
The size of a Camera Ready Paper (including abstract, main text, figures, tables and references). has to be 4-6 pages. For each additional page the author will be required to pay extra fee.
Each main author is allowed to submit max. 2 papers (check for the additional charges on the registration page). However, the author can be mentioned as a co-author in other submissions.
The conference language is English only.
Suggested Frame of the Paper:
A submission implies willingness to register and present the work if the paper is accepted for presentation at the Conference.
Please use one of the Templates while preparing your Extended Abstract and Camera Ready Paper:
Microsoft Word |
LaTeX Archive (Style & Bibliography) * |
A4 DOC Format (DOC, 81,0 KB) | Unix (TAR, 1,72 MB) |
A4 RTF Format (RTF, 269,0 KB) | Windows (ZIP, 1,14 MB) |
Example of the Formatted Paper in PDF
After the successful review of your papers, you will be asked to consider revising your paper according to the recommendations from the reviewers. Additionally, you should include a report (using the Cover Letter template) where you reflect on all the changes you have made.
*** This information is relevant for both, ON-SITE and ONLINE oral formats of presentations ***
Oral (on-site/online) presentation should take around 15 minutes which will be followed by the Q&A session (max. 10 minutes) at the end of your session, therefore, you are kindly asked to be present the whole session. For preparing your presentation please use the MS PowerPoint template.
For online participation: you will be asked to switch on your camera and share your screen in order to show your presentation. Please use MS PowerPoint, or PDF documents.
For on-site participation: please provide your presentation file BEFORE the start of the session on the USB stick or upload it Microsoft CMT service (use "Add or update files" option of your accepted submission and Upload only the file into "Oral/Poster Presentation" Section) in order to put it on the conference laptop. You will be presenting from it. Please use MS PowerPoint, or PDF documents. In case of no-show, your paper will be excluded from the IEEE Xplore publications.
*** This information is relevant for both, ON-SITE and ONLINE poster format of presentations***
Please prepare a poster based on the template provided. Please note that we have different template for online and onsite participation.
For online poster presentation: upload the file in PPTX (MS PowerPoint) format until 31st of August 2025 via Microsoft CMT service (use "Add or update files" option of your accepted submission and Upload only the file into "Oral/Poster Presentation" Section). Make sure you use the correct version of the PPTX online poster template). Your poster will be published on our Conference portal and only participants will have access to it. Every participant can get familiar with your poster in advance and will be able to discuss your paper with you during the Online Poster Discussion session. Please make sure to be present during this session.
For onsite poster presentation: please use the correct version of the PPTX (on-site poster template). Make sure you hand your poster over to Organising team during your registration on the first day. The Poster should be by the Organising team at least 1 hour before the start of the on-site poster session.
Please make sure to be present during this session. In case of no-show, your paper will be excluded from the IEEE Xplore publications.
Conference content will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore as well as other abstracting and indexing (A&I) databases. All A&I providers can be found here and include amongst others Scopus and Web of Science.
IEEE Privacy policy: IEEE policy and professional ethics require that referees treat the contents of papers under review as privileged information not to be disclosed to others before publication. It is expected that no one with access to a paper under review will make any inappropriate use of the special knowledge which that access provides. This applies to anyone else who is authorized to handle submissions.
Publication policies: IEEE reserves the right to exclude a submission from distribution after the conference, including exclusion from IEEE Xplore:
Extended Abstract Submission:
31 March 2025
Notification of Extended Abstract Acceptance:
31 May 2025
Camera ready paper:
30 June 2025
Early registration:
01 June 2025 -
15 July 2025