Paper Submission Process

  1. Preparation of Extended Abstract
    Authors prepare an Extended Abstract of 3-4 pages using the provided template.

  2. Extended Abstract Submission
    Authors register or log in to the Microsoft CMT system and upload their Extended Abstract.

  3. Plagiarism Check
    The Extended Abstract are checked for a plagiarism. Based on the level and type of detected plagiarism:

    1. The submission may proceed to the next stage, or

    2. It may be rejected.

  4. Peer Review
    The Extended Abstract is reviewed by two reviewers (members of the International Program Committee, IPC).  A single-blinded review process is applied: reviewers know the identity of the authors, but authors do not know who the reviewers are.

  5. Review Outcomes
    Based on the review, the Extended Abstract may:

    1. Receive a positive decision (Accepted, Conditionally accepted) and proceed to the next stage.
    2. Be assigned to an additional reviewer for further evaluation.
    3. Be rejected.
  6. Revisions and Camera Ready Paper
    Authors address reviewers' comments, plagiarism check feedback, and revise their Extended Abstract to prepare a Camera Ready Paper of 4-6 pages and Cover Letter (a separate answer to address reviewers' comments)

  7. Final Submission
    The Camera Ready Paper is uploaded via the Microsoft CMT system.

  8. For Accepted and Conditionally accepted papers, the revised version of Camera Ready Paper is checked to ensure that all reviewers' comments and suggestions have been addressed.


The Microsoft CMT service was used for managing the peer-reviewing process for this conference. This service was provided for free by Microsoft and they bore all expenses, including costs for Azure cloud services as well as for software development and support.

Dates and Deadlines

Extended Abstract Submission:
31 March 2025

Notification of Extended Abstract Acceptance:
31 May 2025

Camera ready paper:
30 June 2025

Early registration:
01 June 2025 - 15 July 2025

Sponsors and Partners
Organized and Sponsored by:
Silesian University of Technology, Poland
Association of Alumni of the Silesian University of Technology, Poland
IEEE Poland Section (to be confirmed)
Research Institute for Intelligent Computer Systems, Ukraine
West Ukrainian National University, Ukraine
V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine