Guideline for Session Chairs

Instruction for Chairs of Oral Sessions

  1. Before the IDAACS 2021 starts, please look at all papers of your session, and form a list of questions per each paper (link to access papers will be provided by orgcom).
  2. Before the session begins, pls check a presence of all authors as well as check if you have IDAACS 2021 papers evaluation form.
  3. During the session, pls call the name of author and ask him/her to start presentation with launched microphone and video-camera, share screen and ask auditorium to put their questions in ZOOM chat or ask their questions orally.
  4. Please check time – 15 min for presentation and 3 min for answers.
  5. After presentation, please ask presenter to answer all questions within 3 min.
  6. If author misses the presentation time, he (she) has to inform you or session administrator,  to  shift his/her presentation after next presenter.
  7. When the session is over please fill papers evaluation form:
    • per each paper mark author who presented it,
    • mark papers with absented authors by sign N/A, 
    • select best three papers and send your filled evaluation form to (within 15 minutes preferably).

NOTE: if Session keynote or invited speaker occurs then Session Chair introduce him/her shortly 

Dates and Deadlines

Abstract submission:
07 June 2021
23 June 2021

Notification of acceptance:
20 July 2021
31 July 2021

Late paper submission:
28 July 2021
05 August 2021

Notification of Late paper acceptance:
29 July 2021
10 August 2021

Camera ready paper:
28 July 2021
08 August 2021

Early registration:
07 July 2021 - 07 August 2021
19 July 2021 - 19 August 2021

Sponsors and Partners
Organized and Sponsored by:
IEEE Ukraine Section I&M / CI Joint Societies Chapter
ICS logo
Research Institute for Intelligent Computer Systems
West Ukrainian National University
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
PK logo
Cracow University of Technology
IEEE Ukraine Section
IEEE Ukraine Section
IEEE Poland Section
IEEE Poland Section
MDPI Sensors
MDPI Sensors
River Publishers
River Publishers
Producer of a full range of wireless, low power IoT sensors working with any cloud platform
Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts