Post-pandemic world will demand from Project Managers to develop more efficient ways to deal with the two main challenges: climate change and digital transformation. Project Management community has been dwelling with both in the last decade.
Sustainability has been one of the most used Research topics. The two most prominent professional associations, International Project Management Association (IPMA) and Project Management Institute (PMI) have organized workshops and conferences around this issue. However, there is still a room for Sustainable Project Management models, and for processes and indicators.
On the other hand, Agile principles have been introduced to increase effectiveness of projects. They can also be applied to Digital Transformation projects. Responding to change - over following a plan - has never been so appreciated as now.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
IPC Committee:
Extended Abstract Submission:
15 May 2023
01 June 2023
Notification of Extended Abstract Acceptance:
30 June 2023
23 July 2023
Camera Ready Papers:
20 July 2023
30 July 2023