The development of robotics and artificial intelligence can provide a change in the way of life and work methods. In particular, it increase the level of efficiency and safety, improve the range of services not only in the spheres of production and trade, but also in transport, health care and rescue services, education and agriculture, protect personnel from dangerous conditions, which, for example, can occur when working with toxic environments. The development of technical means is heading towards the creation of "smart" and autonomous machines with the ability to learn and make independent decisions, which provides economic benefits, but also raises concerns about certain challenges of the artificial intelligence for society in general.
The use of robots makes it possible to free people from manual monotonous work and focus on more creative and meaningful tasks; however, given automation, investment in education and other reforms is expected to improve acquisition of the types of skills that future workers will need.
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IPC Committee
Extended Abstract Submission:
15 May 2023
01 June 2023
Notification of Extended Abstract Acceptance:
30 June 2023
23 July 2023
Camera Ready Papers:
20 July 2023
30 July 2023