Author Instructions (Abstract Preparation)

Extended Abstract Preparation

Prospective authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of minimum 3 and maximum 4 pages (in English only) according to the template. It must be structured such that the program committee will be able to understand the originality and the value of the work.

Suggested Frame of Extended Abstract:

  • State of the art (shortly). Clearly indicate the problem’s importance and existing approaches for its solving. Formulate main goal (objectives) of your research.
  • Outline your solution. How did you do it? Bring out what is unique in your method and/or approach.
  • Describe advantages and disadvantages of your method and/or approach.
  • Present results of the experimental research (shortly) to verify the proposed method and/or approach.
  • Conclude what main outcomes achieved, and mention the future work.

A submission implies willingness to register and present the work if the paper is accepted for presentation at the Conference.

Please use one of the Manuscript Templates while preparing your Extended Abstract as well as Camera Ready paper:

Microsoft Word

LaTeX Archive (Style & Bibliography) *

A4 DOC Format (DOC, 76,5 KB) Unix (TAR.GZ, 1.08 MB)
A4 RTF Format (RTF, 254 KB) Windows (ZIP, 1.08 MB)

Example of the Formatted Paper in PDF

* The LaTeX Archive includes the style and the bibliography files both. The LaTeX System Tester is included in the LaTeX archives content as well. The package includes instructions on how to test your LaTeX system settings and reconfigure them as necessary to enable you to emulate the "control output" for the best PDF conversion. You are strongly encouraged to perform this test before laying out your final manuscript. Be sure to use the template's conference mode. See template documentation for details.

In case some formatting issues not described in the Template appear, please, use IEEE Style Manual to find the answers there.

Privacy Policy

IEEE policy and professional ethics requires that referees treat the contents of papers under review as privileged information not to be disclosed to others before publication. It is expected that no one with access to a paper under review will make any inappropriate use of the special knowledge which that access provides. This applies to anyone else who is authorized to handle symposium submissions.

Author Registration

Each lead author must establish an account with a username and password. The lead author then logs in to the IDAACS system to actually submit the extended abstract, and later, the paper via the following steps:

Please note: we use the same database of profiles as for the previous Workshop. Therefore, if you have been registered for the IDAACS'2009-2015, please go to User's Area and use the same username and password.

  1. Click the Register link in the right side of the page.
  2. Create your account. Please complete all the fields and click the Register button.
  3. You will receive an e-mail containing your account registration.

Submission of Extended Abstract Please login and choose Submit abstract option in the right menu "Upcoming conferences" if you are in the main conference web site, or after login you can click on your name and choose abstracts in drop-down menu press "Add new Abstract" button and follow the next steps:

  1. Provide Extended Abstract's Information. Type the Title of the Extended Abstract. Then select the topic area. Type co-authors. Select the abstract file to upload (The supported extensions are: PDF, DOC, RTF, ZIP, RAR).
  2. Click the Submit Abstract button.

If you have any problems during the submission process, feel free to contact us:

Dates and Deadlines

Notification of acceptance:
07 May 2017
07 June 2017

Late paper submission:
31 May 2017

Camera ready paper:
08 July 2017
16 July 2017

Early registration:
29 May 2017 - 16 July 2017
29 May 2017 - 30 July 2017

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